Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday's Lesson - The Lord's Way For Providing for the Poor and Needy

Beehives, your challenge/assignment for this week is to find someone in the class who might have a spiritual or temporal need and help meet that need.

Mia Maids and Laurels are encouraged to follow President Monson's counsel to "pray for the inspiration to know of the needs of those around us, and then go forward and provide assistance."

Individual Worth #3 is a great focus for this month!

From the Handbook:

A great talk!:

Some awesome videos about Church humanitarian aid:

Enjoy your week off of school and count your many blessings!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Welcome Munk Family!

We are so excited to welcome Hannah and Meagan Munk to our Ten Mile Ward Young Women. Hannah is a Laurel; Meagan is a Mia Maid! We are looking forward to learning, growing and having fun with both of you girls and know that we will be blessed by your testimonies and experiences. Welcome to Idaho!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday's Lesson: WORK!

We learned about the importance of work. It's an important gospel principal and critical to Heavenly Father's plan for happiness. The girls were challenged to find a way to work and show a great attitude about it --even in the mundane. They were also challenged to work on something this week that will improve their talents.

Young women might consider how they will live by what they have learned Sunday. For example, they could:
  • Help more with household chores, get a part-time job, or volunteer with a local service organization.
  • Complete one or more of the following in Personal Progress: Knowledge value project 1, Choice and Accountability value project 5.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Young Women in Excellence was a wonderful evening where the girls of the Ten Mile Ward displayed their Personal Progress accomplishments from this past year. The girls sang and celebrated after Sister Matson shared her personal experiences working with dairy cows growing up. Our time is precious and using it wisely by avoiding the things of the world less we can spend more time on improving through the values of the YW program. The Bishop counseled the girls to not be by-standers but carry on and be an active example for good and to stand strong. By standing in Holy Places and being not moved, we will draw closer to the Savior. Personal Progress will prepare us to enter the temple of our God. This was a great evening celebrating excellence and progress.

Sunday's Lesson: Challenges and Problems

This week's lesson is "How Can I Find Solutions to My Challenges and Problems". This week's study can include the following quotes and talks to get you thinking:

From President Monson:

 “My dear sisters, your Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there” (“We Never Walk Alone,Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013)

President Uchtdorf:
“Forget not to be patient with yourself,” “Forget not to be happy now,” and “Forget not that the Lord loves you.”

This week: All young women, think of the challenges you have in your life and then search the October 2013 conference talks (in the November Ensign or online) and find a talk that will help you with a challenge. Highlight and/or record what you learned in your journal.


We apologize that this week's events were not posted. A post was created but it never published for some reason.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday's Lesson

Sister Case taught us that the Word of Wisdom is as much about what we should do than what we shouldn't. What are some ways you are working to be just a little healthier this week? Post your answer and let us know how it's going!